Sunday, March 11, 2012

What I got at Aberdeen!

So yesterday I rolled out of bed and headed out to my favourite mall, Aberdeen Centre! It's a popular East Asian mall that's located in Richmond,Vancouver. So I wanted to share with you guys what I got. ( ̄▽ ̄)  

 At Daiso I got my usual bobby pins. They are absolutely amazing! They never fall out and they literally cling on to your hair.

I bought some fake eyelashes since I'm going to a party today. This is my first time buying from this brand, but I thought "Heck, they look cute enough".

I was needing a sugar rush so I got some Lychee candy at my favourite candy store! (>_<)

Lastly, I went to a "Gyaruish"(Haha good description huh?) cosmetic store. I stocked up on the Bison bath salts, Hot Ginger version. This bath salt is suppose to help you slim down by shedding water weight, and causing you to sweat. It has a nice sweet ginger smell to it, and causes you're bath to have a yellow-orange colour.  It's also filled with collagen which it's great for your skin. Some people may be sceptical about the slimming down part, but I totally recommend it! DO NOT THINK IT'S A MIRACLE BATH SALT. It won't help you loose 20 pounds, so don't rely on this all the time. You can also look at Bison bath salt reviews on Jenny's Blog.


  1. Nice little haul. I need to go haul-ing at Daiso

    1. Daiso is just a great place! You can always find something interesting under $8 (^_^)

  2. How did you open the hair pen case I am having trouble.
